Fired Up! Kindling and Keeping the Fire in Your Team
Great teams don’t just happen; they’re built and led in particular ways that foster collaboration, unleash potential, and expand opportunity. So, leaders who don’t understand these tactics are ill-equipped to fire up their teams. Too often, they leave their people feeling burned, burnt up or burned out as they inadvertently limit the power, potential, and engagement they want most.
In this motivational talk, Dr. J unpacks the secret to firing up a great team and introduces three strategies that will enable you to kindle and keep the spark in yours. He uses humor, research, and engaging stories to describe the psychological principles that supercharge influence and strengthen teams, and he equips you to put them to work in your own experience right away. If you’re a leader or team member, this talk will fire you up personally and equip you to fan the flames of others.
Learning Objectives & Takeaways
Discover common leadership moves that quench a team’s fire
Identify strategies that increase the confidence and capacity of teams
Adopt perspectives that increase a team’s power
Learn to manage relationships for maximum influence
Learn to leverage expectations and dodge the danger of self-fulfilling prophesies
Business as UNusual: Uncommon Leadership for Uncertain Times
Uncertain times and the ambiguity that accompanies them have an insidious way of draining people’s strength and diminishing their engagement just when you need them most. This can make rising to the challenges of change difficult, whether you’re initiating it yourself or coping with the impact of forces beyond your control. The big question is: How do you protect people from the negative impacts of ambiguity and change and prepare them to advance in the midst of it?
In this engaging and powerful development experience, Dr. J equips you to lead well in uncertain times, to strengthen others and get the most out of them in the midst of ambiguity and change. He introduces the Five Foundations that support maximum commitment and describes counterintuitive perspectives on Power, Purpose, and Personal Relationships that will transform your leadership and enable you to advance people and projects in uncertain times. Participants will leave with new insights into people and performance and new strategies to maximize them both.
Learning Objectives & Takeaways
Learn The Five Foundations on which deep commitment and high performance are built
Explore the unique impacts of ambiguity on engagement and performance
Diagnose organizational and interpersonal dynamics that diminish capacity in uncertain times
Explore counterintuitive perspectives on Power, Purpose, and Personal Relationships that maximize performance and engagement in ambiguity and change.
Consider implications and application to your own leadership practice
The Doing Dilemma: Changing Your Perspective to Charge Up Your Team
Here's a news flash: many of the habits that distinguish you as a “Can-Do-Get-’er-Done-Best-of-the-Best” Doer can actually get in the way or derail you when you step up to lead other people! The very things that set you apart in one role can shut you down in the other and frustrate, disengage, and disempower the people you need most. Solving the Doing Dilemma is “Job 1” and your key to influence and advancement in whatever context you lead.
In this powerful and provocative talk, Dr. J reveals the shift in perspective that defines great leaders and prepares you to make the most of your staff, team, or volunteers. He demystifies the art of strengthening teams and building buy-in and shares surprising strategies that will take your leadership to the next level. Whether you're in a leadership role now, hope for one in the future, or simply want to elevate performance and commitment wherever you are, this session will give you the perspective and practical tools you need.
Making the Most of the Best of You: Discovering, Developing, and Deploying Your Strengths
Conventional wisdom about engagement, performance, and satisfaction regularly misses the mark because it is preoccupied with weakness and leaves you working hard on the wrong things. It tells you that your greatest opportunity for success and fulfillment lies in figuring out everything that’s weak or wrong about you and fixing it. So, you spend your best time and energy trying to improve the worst of you instead of leveraging the best of you. That leads you to settle for second-best without realizing it. Why strive to be sufficient when you can be exceptional? Why struggle to be satisfied when you can be fulfilled?
In this informative and inspiring talk, Dr. J reveals the limitations of conventional wisdom and explains how rejecting it’s remediating mindset opens new doors and unleashes new potential. He turns your attention to discovering, developing, and deploying talent, and enables you to make your biggest impact on the world and find your deepest satisfaction.
You’ll leave this inspiring experience fired up and refocused, with a new enthusiasm for who you are and what you can accomplish. You’ll gain new objectives for your personal growth and professional experience and new strategies for bringing out the best in the people you love and lead.
Learning Objectives & Takeaways
Discover how a remediating mindset puts a lid on potential and fulfillment
Identify traps in conventional wisdom that misalign talent and minimize people
Learn the secret to exceptional performance and engagement.
Explore new strategies for personal and professional development
Unlock new potential and your personal competitive advantage
Special Topics
As a seasoned professor and consultant, Dr. J is equipped to speak on a wide variety of other topics related to leadership, team development, engagement, and interpersonal relationships. He is pleased to create a custom presentation for your event. Please contact him directly to discuss your specific interests and objectives.
Learning Objectives & Takeaways
Determined based on client’s specific interests or needs